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Utilizing a Team to Grow Your Business with Melanie Benson Strick (Podcast)

Utilizing a Team to Grow Your Business with Melanie Benson StrickAs a business owner or entrepreneur, you overall success will be dependent on the team you build. Melanie reveals how Utilizing a Team to Grow Your Business can help you focus on the things you are passionate about.




Utilizing a Team to Grow Your Business my Interview with Melanie Benson Strick [Podcast]

This interview was so powerful that I had to take notes.  I am sharing with you some key points that I received from her interview.

  1. Get It Off Your Plate

The more less you have on your plate, the more you can focus on doing what you love.  Melanie’s motto is, “If someone can do it better than you, get it off your plate.”  Now this is not to say you are not capable of doing the same tasks, but if someone can do it faster and cheaper then it makes more sense.

2. Get Out of Overwhelm

Overwhelm, as Melanie describes it is, “an innovative strategy that we use when too many things come at us.” I like that, because it’s true.  We tend to figure the more opportunities we have, the better we will become in our business financially.

3. Simple & Order

Two tips Melanie describes as, “Doing the right things in the right order, to get the right results.”

4. Reward Results over Ideas

More coaches get excited about the idea instead of the result.  I asked Melanie what her response would be to a creative Entrepreneur that has some great ideas.

Here is what she would ask them:

What is the value?

How much time?

What is the opportunity cost?

So if you are thinking of starting a new venture or project, answering those questions will give you some insight as to whether you should proceed.

There was so much value provided in this interview, these are just a few of the notes I was able to jot down.

Did you have an AHA moment after listening?  If you did, list it below.

Melanie has agreed to come back on the show in 2014, but until then feel free to reach out to her and let her know you were listening.


The Power of the Virtual Team Ebook –  It’s a power-packed 67-page e-book guaranteed to kick-start your team-building process and get you into the 80-20 zone—where 20% of your efforts generate 80% of your results.

The Empowered B.O.S.S. Network – weekly podcast providing business owners and entrepreneurs with tips and strategies to increase their revenue and build their businesses.

Get Out of Overwhelm – A Step-By-Step Formula For Getting Out Of Overwhelm… So You can Enjoy A Small Business that Automatically Generates Six to Seven Figures without Sacrificing Your Life!

Utilizing a Team to Grow Your Business with Melanie Strick Benson2014 Kingdom Business Predictions